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Pediatrician - Happy Hospital

21 Jan

A proper care of children specially children who are newly born are very important for their strong adolescent. If childhood would be fit and fine, children will have comparatively lesser chances to fall ill when they grow up. If any child is dealing with any medical issue, it should be treated on time and HAPPY HOSPITAL is one of best pediatric hospitals in Hyderabad for the department of Pediatrics & Neonatology.

The team of highly skilled and experienced neurologists treats the department of Pediatric in the sophisticated, well-equipped department. The department of Pediatrics is equipped with a dedicated PICU and NICU which is managed by intensive care, neonatal care, and pediatric care.

The hospital takes care of children’s medical conditions from minor health problems to serious conditions. The hospital has 24/7 availability of specialist doctors who take Intensive care of newborns and critically ill kids. They are always ready to treat all medical and surgical emergencies.

Happy Hospital is specialized in treating the following medical conditions:


Epilepsy is a condition in which there is a sudden imbalance in the normal function of the brain. Due to this, wrong messages go through the brain in the nerves of the body, due to which the body behaves abnormally.

The main signs of epilepsy are:

  • Staring, falling, shaking
  • Lose awareness of what is happening around

Approximately 1,20,00,000 people in India have epilepsy disease and children too have shocking numbers.

Cerebral palsy:

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that damages a child’s physical movement and ability to move. The word “cerebral” refers to both parts of the brain and the word “palsy” refers to the weakness or problem of physical motion. This is a type of disability in which children have difficulty in catching and walking. In this disease, voluntary or involuntary movements or both are affected due to damage of some parts of the brain. The disease doesn’t come under the category of contagious disease. It is not necessary that it will effect cognitive or intelligence ability. Also, this disease is not progressive, so with aging it does not become more serious.

Muscular dystrophies:

Muscular dystrophy is a group of muscular diseases consisting of 80 types of diseases. This group includes many types of diseases, but is still the most dangerous and deadly disease – Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Most children die between 11 and 21 years if the disease is not treated in time, but Happy Hospital is specialized in treating this medical problem.


Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder. Autism is a disability, not a disease. Therefore autism stays for a longer period or sometimes for life long if not treated properly. Autism starts in childhood and lasts till the end of a person’s life.  It affects the ability by which a person works and interacts with and learns from others. It is called Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism is not of one type, but several types that are caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences.

Autoimmune disorders

Every person has an immune system in their body, it is also called immunity. Immune system protects the body from many types of infectious diseases. It is a process of cells present in the body, these cells are spread throughout the body. The immune system constantly searches for any type of toxin, bacteria, virus or any other external matter in the body.  Without immunity, various types of harmful toxins or bacteria can enter our body.

However, there are some conditions due to which the immune system is not able to function properly. This is an autoimmune disease.

Happy Hospital is specialized in treating these diseases under the department of pediatrics.

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